Service of Nissan Sunny from 1991 to 1997 release in n-14 body.
1. Maintenance instruction
2. Maintenance
3. Engines
4. Cooling system
5. System of heating and ventilation
6. Fuel and exhaust system
7. System of launch of the engine
8. Coupling
9. Transmissions
9.1. Mechanical transmission
9.2. Automatic transmission
10. Half shafts
11. Brakes
12. Suspension brackets and steering
13. Body
14. Electric equipment

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9. Transmissions

On cars check points of cross configuration with the main transfer and differential are established, the case is cast from aluminum alloy. Primary and secondary shaft rotating in bearings enter the mechanism of the check point. Gear wheels of a secondary shaft join by means of a rod, forks and synchronizers.


1. Lift all car and establish on supports.
2. Remove forward wheels.
3. Remove guards of the engine and protection of wings.
4. Turn out traffic jams and merge oil from the check point, wrap traffic jams with the set moment.
5. Remove the battery.
6. Remove an air duct and the air filter (see subsection 6.1.2 or subsection 6.2.2).
7. Remove a starter.
8. Turn off a corrugated nut of a cable of the drive of coupling, a lock-nut of a cover of a cable and disconnect a cable.
9. Disconnect sockets of wires of the sensor of neutral situation and the switch of a backing (on the right shooters specified the socket of the sensor of neutral situation and a wire of connection with weight).
10. Get conducting from brackets and take aside.
11. Turn off a nut and get a fork axis.
12. Disconnect a rod of the choice of transfers from transmission.
13. Turn off a nut of a persistent rod and remove a rod from a hairpin on the check point boat.
14. In the top part of a case disconnect a hose of a sapun.
15. Turn off a cap nut and disconnect a speedometer cable.
16. Get a half shaft from a check point case, take aside and reliably fix, the nut of a half shaft should not be turned off.
17. Slightly raise the engine on a waist or prop up a jack through a board.
18. When posting a waist lay a board between a longeron and the pallet and lower the engine on a board.
19. Drive a lifting platform under the check point and prop up through a board.
20. Turn off a nut and get a coupling bolt of the left support of the power unit.
21. Turn off three bolts of fastening of a support to a case of the check point and remove a support.
22. Remove rubber pillows.
23. Turn off a nut and get a coupling bolt of the right support of the power unit.
24. Turn off three bolts and remove a support arm.
25. Turn off bolts of fastening of the check point, previously having designated the place of each bolt (bolts have different length) and having marked all arms. It can be necessary for an otvorachivaniye of the lower bolts a little to raise the check point.
26. Make sure that all necessary details are disconnected and cannot interfere with removal of the check point.
27. Carefully displace the check point to the left and remove from the directing pins, without allowing that the weight of the check point was apprehended by a main shaft.
28. Roll out a platform with the check point.
29. Get the directing pins.


1. Installation is carried out upside-down.
2. Grease vents of a main shaft, establish the directing pins, after installation of the check point and wrap bolts on former places.
3. Replace epiploons of half shafts.


Independent repair of the check point is not recommended as a certain qualification and the special tool is required (various strippers, micrometric heads and devices, passatizh for removal of lock rings, etc.). Besides, to the check point expensive and them it is difficult for spare part to get. Therefore, the check point is recommended to be taken to repare in service of car service, or to buy the restored unit.

8.6. Coupling switching off mechanism

9.1. Mechanical transmission