1. Make sure that the piston of the 1st cylinder still is in compression step VMT (the flute under a spline on a sock of the crankshaft has to be turned vertically up if to look on the right side of the engine). Insert a spline into a flute on a crankshaft sock. |
2. Correctly orient the leading asterisk of the crankshaft (the adjusting tag on an asterisk has to be turned from the crankshaft aside, and the flute in an asterisk has to be combined with a spline) and dress on the crankshaft.
3. In a chain there are three links differing on color (are specified by shooters), each of which corresponds to a separate adjusting tag. Two links which are more closely to each other correspond to adjusting tags of cam-shafts, the third link has to coincide with an adjusting tag of the leading asterisk of the crankshaft.
On some cars those links of a chain which correspond to adjusting tags of asterisks of cam-shafts can differ on color from the link corresponding to an adjusting tag of the leading asterisk.
4. Orient a chain so that the links differing on color were directed outside and settled down opposite to the corresponding adjusting tags, get a chain on the leading asterisk, having combined the link (shooter) which is highlighted with color with an adjusting tag on an asterisk.
5. Establish the conducted asterisks on cam-shafts of inlet and final valves, at the same time adjusting tags on asterisks have to be turned outside.
Both asterisks are identical.
6. Dress a chain (it is specified by an arrow) on asterisks of a cam-shaft of final valves so that the links differing on color were combined with adjusting tags.
7. Then dress a chain (it is specified by an arrow) on asterisks of a cam-shaft of inlet valves, having combined differing on color links with adjusting a metkama.
8. Insert adjusting pins (if acted) into end faces of cam-shafts, combine grooves in asterisks with adjusting pins. Make sure that the links differing on color are combined with the corresponding adjusting tags of asterisks. Otherwise remove a chain from asterisks and execute necessary adjustments.
9. After combination of adjusting tags with the corresponding links of a chain wrap bolts of asterisks of cam-shafts, having dressed on washer bolts.
10. Tighten bolts with the set moment. During an inhaling do not allow a cam-shaft provorachivaniye, holding it for lysk Rozhkov a key.
11. Establish an uspokoitel and tighten a bolt of an uspokoitel with the set moment. |
12. Establish a boot of a natyazhitel of a chain and tighten a boot axis bolt with the set moment.
13. Establish the top guide of a chain on a head of cylinders, tighten bolts with the set moment. |
14. Release the lever of a clamp of a natyazhitel (1), press a plunger in the case and record in such situation a hook, having thrown with it a pin of a plunger (2).
15. Establish new laying on a flange of a natyazhitel, and in a flute of the case lay a new sealing ring.
16. Establish a natyazhitel, having convinced that the arrow on a flange is turned from a head of cylinders aside. Dress washers and tighten nuts of a natyazhitel with the set moment. After an inhaling of nuts the assembly hook has to leave automatically gearing with a pin, having released a plunger.
17. Establish a new oil filter and fill the engine with oil (see subsection 2.2.1). |
18. Establish a cover of the chain drive (see subsection |
19. Establish a cover of a head of cylinders (see subsection |